06 Apr Plant Exchange Perennials
Browse the Plant Exchange for Perennials
To add plants to your private PlantMaster account, copy the Import Code(s) of the plants
you want and follow the steps listed at the bottom of this page.
Achillea Group 1
(Sonoma Coast, White Beauty)
Import Code: 91-5563 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Acanthus Group 1
(Tasmanian Angel)
Import Code: 91-8363 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Agapanthus Group 1
(Blue Leap, Elaine, Silver Streak, Brilliant Blue, Kanga Burgundy, Kanga Orange)
Import Code: 91-5601 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Agastache Group 1
(Purple Haze, Sonoran Sunset, Sangria)
Import Code: 91-5602 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Alchemia 1
Import Code: 91-5940| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Alstromeria Group 1
(Hermana Chica 1, Princess Camilla, Friendship, ‘Princess Fabiana’)
Import Code: 91-5942| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Anigozanthus Group 1
(Bush Games, )
Import Code: 91-5945 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Aquilegia Group 1
(Songbird Dove, Corbett )
Import Code: 91-5944 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(Blue Ice )
Import Code: 91-6291 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Anemone tomentosa
Import Code: 91-6335 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(gracile ‘Chelsea’)
Import Code: 91-8369 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
( ‘Wild Cotton’)
Import Code: 91-8370 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
( nervosa ‘Westland’)
Import Code: 91-8417 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(cordifolius, dumosus ‘Wood’s Pink’, nov. ‘Purple Dome’)
Import Code: 91-8418 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-8421 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-8425 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(x richmondensis ‘White’)
Import Code: 91-8432 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-8437 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(White Cloud)
Import Code: 91-8630 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Campanula Group 1
(Blue Waterfall, Blue Chips)
Import Code: 91-8790 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(‘Bengal Tiger’)
Import Code: 91-8793 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(argentea, cristata)
Import Code: 91-8799 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-9083 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(Black Coral)
Import Code: 91-8698 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-9577 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Epilobium canum
(‘Chaparral Silver’, ‘Schieffelin’s Choice’, ‘Marin Pink’, ‘Bowman’s #1’, ‘Cloverdale’, ‘UC Hybrid’, ‘Wayne’s Silver’)
Import Code: 91-8491 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Echinacea 1
(‘Hot Papaya’ ‘PowWow’)
Import Code: 91-9381 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Erysimum 1
(‘Winter Orchid‘)
Import Code: 91-9670 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Euphorbia 1
(‘Ruby Glow‘, ‘Tasmanian Tiger’, ‘Diamond Frost’, ‘Glacier Blue’)
Import Code: 91-9697| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Fuchsia 1
(‘Campopple’, magellanica ‘Hawkshead‘)
Import Code: 91-9490 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Geranium 1
Import Code: 91-9747 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Geum 1
(‘Alabama Slammer’, ‘Totally Tangerine’)
Import Code: 91-9747 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Grindella 1
Import Code: 91-9751 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Helleborus 1
(‘Berry Swirl’, ‘Jacob’, ‘Ivory Prince’, onyx ‘Odyssey’)
Import Code: 91-9835 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Hemerocallis 1
(villosa ‘San Bruno’)
Import Code: 91-9837 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Heterotheca 1
(‘Bell Orange’, Coming up Roses’)
Import Code: 91-9851 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Iris 1
Import Code: 91-10063 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(‘Little Henry’)
Import Code: 91-10064 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Lavandula 1
(‘angustifolia ‘Thumbelina’, stoechas ‘Winter Bee’, stoechas ‘Silver Anouk’)
Import Code: 91-9374 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-10140 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Leucanthemum 1
(‘Crazy Daisy’)
Import Code: 91-10171 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(‘Christmas Cheer’)
Import Code: 91-10130 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Mimulus 1
(‘Purple and Pink’, bifidus ‘White’)
Import Code: 91-10169 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Pelargonium 1
(‘Mona Lavender’)
Import Code: 91-8467| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-8596| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(hetero. ‘Panoche Strain’)
Import Code: 10168| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(reniforme, ‘Lilian Pottinger’, ‘Chocolate Mint’)
Import Code: 91-8595| Go to PlantMaster Importer>