06 Apr Plant Exchange Shrubs
Browse the Plant Exchange for Shrubs
To add plants to your private PlantMaster account, copy the Import Code(s) of the plants
you want and follow the steps listed at the bottom of this page.
Abelia Group 1
(Mardi Gras, Prostrata, Rose Creek, Confetti, Little Richard)
Import Code: 91-5556 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Adenanthos Group 1
(Coral Drift, Silver Streak)
Import Code: 91-8365 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Aloysia 1
Import Code: 91-5941 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Alyogyne 1
(‘White Swan’)
Import Code: 91-8714 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Anigozanthus Group 1
(Bush Games, Everlasthing Gold, Kanga Orange, Kanga Burgundy)
Import Code: 91-5945 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Anisacanthus Group 1
Import Code: 91-8249 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Arbutus Group 1
Import Code: 91-8588 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Arctostaphylos Group 1
(Harmony, Bert Johnson, Green Supreme, x Media)
Import Code: 91-5943 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-8422 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Azalea Group 1
(‘Happy Days’. ‘Little John’, Girard’s White’, ‘Girard’s Fuchsia’, Gumpo Pink’, ‘Gumpo White’)
Import Code: 91-8422 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(salicifolia, ‘Starn Thompson’)
Import Code: 91-8427 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(grandis, integrifolia)
Import Code: 91-8427 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-8430| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Berberis Group 1
(julianae, stenophylla ‘Nana’, atropurpurea, ‘Aurea’, ‘Orange Rocket’)
Import Code: 91-8433| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Boronia Group 1
Import Code: 91-8465| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Brunfelsia Group 1
Import Code: 91-8787| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Buddleja Buzz Series Group 1
Import Code: 91-8439 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Buddleja Group 2
(Flutterfly Petite, Ellen’s Blue, davidii nanhoensis)
Import Code: 91-8392 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Buxus Group 1
(‘Graham Blandy’, microphylla ‘Golden Triumph’, ‘Green Velvet’, ‘Green Towers’, ‘Suffruitocosa’, ‘English Globe’)
Import Code: 91-8440 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Calliandra Group 1
(‘haematocephala Espalier, tweedi, ‘Sierra Star’)
Import Code: 91-8788 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Callistemon Group 1
(Jeffers, viminalis ‘Slim’ )
Import Code: 91-8466 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Calluna Group 1
(‘Amethyst’, ‘Firefly’, ‘Silver Knight’ )
Import Code: 91-8789 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Camillea japonica Group 1
(Coral Delight, Kramer’s Supreme, Silver Waves, Winters Snowman, )
Import Code: 91-7943 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Camillea sasanqua Group 1
(Kanjiro, Setsugekka, Shishi Gashira, Mino No Yuki )
Import Code: 91-8451 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Caryopteris Group 1
(‘Dark Knight’ )
Import Code: 91-8795 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Ceanothus Group 1
(Victoria, Cliff Schmidt, hearstiorum, Valley Violet, Cool Blue, verrucosus )
Import Code: 91-8453 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Cephalotaxus Group 1
(‘Prostrata’ )
Import Code: 91-8800 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Chaenomeles Group 1
(X superba )
Import Code: 91-8803 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Chamaecyparis Group 1
(‘Blue Surprise’, ‘Fernspray’, ‘Green Arrow’, nootkatensis, obtusa ‘Gracilis’, pisifera ‘Baby Blue, p. ‘Iceberg’, p. ‘Cyano-Viridis’, p. ‘Filigera’ , p. Cyano-viridis’)
Import Code: 91-8804| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Choisya Group 1
(‘Aztec Pearl’, Ternata ‘Sundance”)
Import Code: 91-9082| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(Rainbow Surprise, Taupata Gold, Tequila Sunrise, Karo Red)
Import Code: 91-8168 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Cordyline 1
(Pink Champagne, Salsa, Electric Flash, Cha Cha)
Import Code: 91-81736 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(Ancot, Golden, Old Fashioned)
Import Code: 91-8479| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(ignea ‘Starfire’, llavea)
Import Code: 91-9574| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-9575| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(Eternal Fragrance, transatlatica ‘ Summer Ice.’ , burkwoodii ‘Carol Mackie’)
Import Code: 91-9024| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(gracilis ‘Duncan’)
Import Code: 91-9576| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Duranta erecta
(Sapphire Showers)
Import Code: 91-6990 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-10056 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-6997 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(california ‘Paleo Yellow’ )
Import Code: 91-9579 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(‘Fire and Ice’ )
Import Code: 91-9580 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Erica 1
(‘Kramer’s Rote’, ‘December Red’, ‘Springwood Pink’, cinerea ‘Atropurpurea’, X darylensis )
Import Code: 91-9382 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Eriogonum 1
(‘Bruce Dickenson’, ‘Little Rascal’, latifolium )
Import Code: 91-9383 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Escallonia 1
(‘Red Elf’ )
Import Code: 91-9471 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Euonymous 1
(‘Green Spire’, fortunei ‘Sunrise’ )
Import Code: 91-9696 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Forsythia 1
(‘Gold Tide’ )
Import Code: 91-9742 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(‘Mt. Airy’, intermedia ‘Blue Shadow’
Import Code: 91-9743 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Galvezia 1
(‘Firecracker’ )
Import Code: 91-9745 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Gardenia 1
(‘Jubilation’, thunbergia, jasminoides ‘Kleim’s Hardy’ )
Import Code: 91-9491 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Grevillea Group 1
(Jade Mound, Peaches and Cream, Royal Mantle, Moonlight, dimorpha,’Constance’,’Pink Pearl’,’Pink Midget’,’Marshall Seedling’,’Poorinda Leane’)
Import Code: 91-10633 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(archaeoides, salicifolia)
Import Code: 91-9813 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-9831 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(‘Autumn Glory’, ‘Red Edge’, ‘Paula’)
Import Code: 91-9833 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(Davis Gold)
Import Code: 91-8420 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(syriacus ‘Blue Bird’, ‘Diana’, ‘White Chiffon’)
Import Code: 91-9852 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Hydrangea Group 1
(‘Endless Summer’, ‘Bloomstruck’, ‘Pink Beauty’, ‘All Summer’, ‘Little Lime’, ‘Nikko Blue’, ‘Pia’, ‘Tardiva’, ‘Blue Wave’, ‘Dancing Snow’, ‘Pink Diamond’ , ‘Sykes’ )
Import Code: 91-6047 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Import Code: 91-10060 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Ilex Group 1
(lex aquifolium ‘ San Gabriel’; Ilex cornuta, ‘Ilex crenata Helleri’ & Hoogendorn & Sky Pencil, Ilex glabra ‘Compacta’ & Shamrock, Ilex verticillata ‘Jim Dandy’, Ilex x ‘Emerald Colonnade’)
Import Code: 91-6048 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Juniperus 1
(chinensis ‘Hetzii’, ‘Pyramidalis’, ‘Gold Coast’, rigida conferta ‘Blue’, scopulorum ‘Wichita Blue’)
Import Code: 91-10131 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Juniperus 2
(chinensis ‘Torulosa’) Note: This plant is in the system already under ‘Kaizuka’ its new name.
Import Code: 91-10134| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Lavatera 1
(X clementii, ‘Barnsley Baby’)
Import Code: 91-10139| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Laurus 1
(noblis ‘Little Ragu’)
Import Code: 91-10138 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Leucadendron Group
(‘Blush’, ‘Chief’, ‘Crown Jubilee’, ‘Ebony’, ‘Golden Tulip’, ‘Pisa’, ‘Safari Goldstrike’, ‘Silvan Red’, ‘Summer Red’, ‘Yaeli’)
Import Code: 91-8580| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Leucophyllum 1
(fontanesiana ‘Zeblid’)
Import Code: 91-10200 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Leucothoe 1
(‘Rio Bravo’, pruinosum ‘Sierra Vista’)
Import Code: 91-10201 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Loropetalum 1
(‘Jazz Hands’, ‘Purple Diamond’, ‘Ever Red’)
Import Code: 91-10202 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Pelargonium 1
(‘Chocolate Mint’, ‘Lillian Pottinger’, reniforme)
Import Code: 91-8403| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Perovskia 1
(‘Little Lace’, ‘Little Spire’)
Import Code: 91-8469| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Philadelphus 1
(‘Snow Dwarf’, ‘Belle Etoile’, virginalis ‘Natchez’)
Import Code: 91-8470| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Philodendron 1
(‘Rojo Congo’, hastatum, scandens spp.)
Import Code: 91-8699| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Picea Dwarfs 1
(‘Rainbows End’, abies ‘Cupressina’, abies ‘Nidiformis’, glauca ‘Conica’, pungens ‘Iseli fastigate’, pungens ‘Thompsenii’)
Import Code: 91-8472| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Pittosporum 1
(‘Harley Botanica’, ‘Golf Ball’, ‘Wrinkled Blue’)
Import Code: 91-8476| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Pittosporum 2
Import Code: 91-8477| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Phormium 1
(‘Duet’, ‘Evening Glow”, ‘Purple Mountain’, ‘Jubiliee’)
Import Code: 91-13624| Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Rhaphiolepis Group 1
(Majesty Beauty Standard, Fiesta)
Import Code: 91-8446 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Rhododendron Group 1
(Bergie Larson, Ebony Pearl, Lee’s Dark Purple, Percy Wiseman, Teddy Bear, Roseum, augustinii)
Import Code: 91-8448 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(Christy Ridge, Dancing Tassels, Claremont, King Edward IV, Kind Edward VII, Rana Creek, glutinosum ‘Spring Showers’)
Import Code: 91-8523 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Rosa Group 1
(CI. Joseph’s Coate, Gertrude Jekyll, Julia Child, Margaret Merril, New Dawn, Sombreuil Climbing, Sharon’s Delight, Mutabilis, Polka, Radtkopink)
Import Code: 91-8449 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Rosmarinus Group 1
(BBQ, Roman Beauty)
Import Code: 91-8185 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Senna Group 1
Import Code: 91-7991 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Salvia Group 1 Exotics
(‘Dancing Lights’, ‘Dancing Shadows’, Wendy’s Wish’, greggi ”Stormy Pink’, microphylla ‘Blue Velvet’ m. ‘Flower Child’, puchella X involuncrate, ‘John Whittelsey’, ‘Love and Wishes’, ‘Mystic Spires Blue’, ‘Purple Majesty’, ‘Raspberry Delight’)
Import Code: 91-7513 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
Salvia Group 1 Cal Natives
(‘Desperado’, apiana ‘Compacta’, apiana ‘Vicki Romo’, ‘Celestial Blue’)
Import Code: 91-7751 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(‘Pinnacle’, ‘Orange Twist’, ‘Monterey Bay’)
Import Code: 91-10226 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
(‘Ameththyst’, ‘Mia’s Wonder’)
Import Code: 91-8522 | Go to PlantMaster Importer>
How to Add Plants to your PlantMaster Account:
1. Copy the Import Code (Numbers and dash only)
2. Click on the link “Go to PlantMaster Importer>”
3. Make sure you are logged into your PlantMaster account BEFORE you import these plants.
4. Paste the Import Code into the field and click “Submit”. Your plants have now been added to “My Plants”.
(Remember these plants are stored outside of the public database for copyright reasons)
5. If there are any plants you don’t want, make sure to remove them from “My Plants”.
(If you need a refresher on how to do this, read this article.)
6. Now that you’ve saved the plants you want, make sure to delete the extra project.
(To delete this project, go to the “Projects” tab in the main menu, make sure the project you want to delete is selected in the drop down, then select “Delete this Project” under the navigation. Don’t worry, your plants won’t be deleted – just the project.)
(For a step by step tutorial (with images) on how to import plants into your library with images, click here.)